Strand By Me is a community and health services shop located on the lower level of the Strand Shopping Centre in Bootle Strand and managed by Living Well Sefton in partnership with Sefton Council. Drop in for a wide range of support and signposting to other local services with in Sefton.
Each week Strand By Me has Living Well Mentors from May Logan carrying out blood pressure readings and health advice, an advisor from Smoke Free Sefton who will be able to help you kick the habit and a digital drop-in with Include IT Mersey who are here every 2 weeks to give you a helping hand polish up your computer skills. Also, we have one off drop-ins if you pop in to Strand By Me for more details.
Sefton CVS have many other services with in the organisation, if you click the link below that will take you to the Sefton CVS website.
Follow us on social media:
Twitter - @StrandByMeshop
Facebook - @StrandByMeShop